Make the spoon intelligent!
Here we are again! This post follows the previous one; In the first I tried to explain how to make a shape, in that example a spoon, working in an expressive way. I mean...I started from a simply geometry but with the right topology (relation between vertices, edges and faces) and I transformed the shape as if it were a soft material like clay. Quickly I reached the shape who was in my mind, but now I have to add details.
It's very difficult to work with details and measures when you manage a mesh, so you have to change your shape and draw it with nurbs.
Next step is called Reverse Modeling (It is a branch of Reverse Engineering but that concerns only the external shape), who allows to switch from mesh to nurbs.
You can find more informations in my phd thesis ( but in italian! I summed up all the steps of this operation (just for the spoon) in the video below.
You have to extract edges and isocurves from the mesh, useful to create a correct nurbs. It is possible using tools like "duplicate edges" and "contours". But remember, when you intersect a mesh, the resulting curve is a you have to rebuilt it changing the degree. Now you have the correct inputs for a tool like "network of curves".
At the end of reconstruction of the upper part and the lower part of the spoon you can create the solid where adds details. Look at the pictures!