The importance of the family - eCAADe Milan

The idea, present in a conceptual manner in the designer’s mind, must be split into elementary rules of construction, linked by a sequence of actions aimed at the develop-ment of a code which makes it computable.
Different outputs correspond to each value of the input variables. These output then, result to be mutations of the same project tied together by a common code. This connection ensures a kind of relationship between the models, that are generated by scrolling through the input data.
Furthermore, by varying some inputs it is possible to obtain different forms and models linked to a common definition.

These models belong to the same family, which is the function of a common generative structure, that guarantees a degree of relationship.
In this case, the mutation of the variables involves different models, that allow the designer to choose the form that best meets his needs, or the ability to create a family of forms, that satisfy a homogeneous category of functions.
In The following experience, we tried to create a link between the mass needs and the controlled customization of the product. The type under consideration is the bracelet, a playful object that, in the case presented, has the value of method. In Fact, we start by the decision to make it strongly tied to the wrist and to the hand, thinking conceptually to a products with greater utility like orthopedic prosthesis.
So it is important to begin from the relief of wrist and the hand, testing contemporaneous-ly capture technologies related to photo modeling, easy and afford-able by the designer; in the case of the bracelet the relief has a morphological value.